Kidston Island Summer Job Opportunities
Enjoy a great summer working on Kidston Island in Baddeck. The Baddeck Lions Club is hiring students for employment opportunities on Kidston Island in Baddeck for the months of July and August (8 weeks). Have a look at our job postings below. If you or anyone you know are interested, please email Brian Chandler chandlbw@gmail.com
Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, National Lifeguard Certification (CPR/C/AED), PCO (Pleasure Craft Operators Certificate). Optional – ROC-M (VHS Radio Certification).
Responsible for employee work scheduling, including the boat operator
Ensure employees are performing their duties and adhering to all safety regulations
Responsible for bringing forth concerns regarding the operation of the beach, issues of employee performance and any proposed beach closures due to inclement weather
Manage daily updates to the “Log Book” and provide as necessary for payroll purposes
Develop the daily schedule and work with other employees in cleaning washrooms and change rooms semi-daily, raking the beach daily, and keeping it free of trash
Participate in the instruction of swim lessons and ensure payment is collected
Ensure donation box is secure at the end of each day
May be required to assist in ferry operation on occasion
Expected to write a year-end summary report detailing any incidents, approximate number of people who used the island and to address concerns or suggestions for the future
Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, National Lifeguard Certification (CPR/C/AED), PCO (Pleasure Craft Operators Certificate). Optional – ROC-M (VHS Radio Certification).
Responsible for ensuring public safety and supervision within a designated section of Kidston Island referred to as the "beach" and report directly to the Beach Coordinator
Instruct swim lessons during a 2-week program during their summer employment of 8 weeks, (July/August)
Act as first responders to all medical emergency situations arising on the beach and ensure professional help is contacted should the need arise
Work with other employees in cleaning washrooms and change rooms semi-daily, raking the beach daily, and keeping it free of trash
Record number of passengers on board the ferry for each crossing as reported by the Ferry Operator
May be required to operate the ferry on occasion if they have the necessary qualifications
Min. 18 yrs. of age, First Aid (CPR), (PCO) Pleasure Craft Operators Certificate, ROC-M (VHS Radio Certification). Previous boating experience is an asset. If you are interested in the position, we will work with you to obtain the necessary qualifications at no cost.
Under the supervision of the Beach Coordinator, responsible to operate a 12-passenger ferry to and from Kidston Island
Ensure compliance to all Transport Canada Regulations
Manage safety procedures for pre-boarding, boarding, and transporting of passengers
Record the number of passengers for each crossing and daily totals and inform the lifeguard
Work with other employees in cleaning washrooms and change rooms semi-daily, raking the beach daily, and keeping it free of trash
Fueling the vessel on a daily basis
If you or anyone you know are interested, please email Brian Chandler chandlbw@gmail.com